This data contains 271 observations and 6 variables for Covid stats in Colombia from January 2020. The data is wrangled from the following original data source.



An object of class grouped_df (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 271 rows and 6 columns.


The data comes from Guidotti, E., Ardia, D., (2020), "COVID-19 Data Hub", Journal of Open Source Software 5(51):2376, doi: 10.21105/joss.02376, through the R package "COVID19" and filtered for the country Colombia and South Africa.


id - Country Code

date - Date of observation

dailytest - Daily Count of tests for a date

dailyconfirm - Daily Count of confirmed for a date

dailyrecover - Daily Count of recovered for a date

dailydeaths - Daily Count of deaths for a date