This function launch a shiny based web app that allows the user to explore the data of COVID-19 related variables in Europe. The users are allowed to customize their country of choices and the time range they want to display within the app.
The app's sources of data are the European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control and the Google Community Mobility Report. The cumulative figures and GCMR are downloaded with the tidycovid19 R package.
The variables covered in this app are:
Daily and cumulative cases and deaths of COVID-19 in 51 countries in Europe.
Weekly testing and positivity rate of 29 EU/EEA member countries and the United Kingdom.
Weekly dominant source of transmission of 31 EU/EEA member countries and the United Kingdom.
Community mobility in six types of location of 29 EU/EEA member countries and the United Kingdom.
if (FALSE) { launch_app() }